Draw in Round 12, World Chess Championship 2016 – Tiebreak games follow

It was a hardly fought battle in the final Round 12 of the World Championship 2016, as both players seemed eager to split the point and proceed to the tie-break rounds instead. Hardly any effort was exerted by both parties in order to create imbalance and thus make the game more interesting. The World Champion, Magnus Carlsen, will thus defend his title via tiebreak rapid and/or blitz games.

The rules of the World Championship match states that draws cannot be offered and made until after black’s 30th move, except in a threefold repetition. Thus, indeed, they waited until black, played by the Challenger Sergey Karjakin, made its 30th move and agreed to a draw. [replay]

Match breakdown after 12 rounds of classical game formats follow:

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/world-championship-2016-crosstable.csv”]

Round 11 Draw – World Championship 2016

And it’s going to be down to a one-game showdown, with the World Champion, Magnus Carlsen, playing white, against the Challenger Sergey Karjakin, in the World Chess Championship 2016, as Round 11 ended in another draw, the 9th in 11 games.[replay]

The last round, Round 12, will determine who will be the World Champion, or whether we’re headed to a tiebreak playoff.

Match breakdown follows:

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/world-championship-2016-crosstable.csv”]

Game 12 is on and live coverage should be available in ChessHive Live page. Remember that you may enjoy multi-camera live streaming with live commentaries by chess celebrities and grandmasters if you unlock Worldchess.com’s full service when you visit their official website. Furthermore, you may enjoy 10% discount if you use our promo code: BISHOPD3.

Replay Game 11 below:[replay]

Replay all the games (and download all PGN) of the World Championship 2016 match.

Magnus Carlsen scores a knockdown in Round 10 – World Chess Championship 2016

Forgive the boxing reference, but indeed, it was a big win for Magnus Carlsen in Round 10 of the World Chess Championship 2016 to even the score, with 5 points each, against the Challenger Sergey Karjakin of Russia.

Perhaps due to time pressure, Karjakin, playing as black, made a series of sub-optimal moves in the endgame, starting from his 56th move. Carlsen capitalized on those weak plays and bagged his first win in this match. [replay]

Match breakdown follows:

Karjakin Wins Round 8!

After 7 games of series of draws, finally, the Challenger and the underdog of the match, Sergey Karjakin, drew first blood with a convincing win in Round 8 with the black pieces. This happened after the World Champion Magnus Carlsen blundered on two consecutive moves with 51.Qe6?? and 52.h4??, after which when Karjakin forwarded his pawn with 52… a2, Carlsen resigned. He can’t take the a2 pawn with 52.Qxa2 because he’ll lose his chance for a perpetual check when 53. Qxa2 Ng4+ 54. Kh3 Qg1. He can only continue with 55. Bf3 Nf2+ 56. Qxf2 Qxf2.

This World Championship match is slated for 12 rounds, and thus Magnus has to score at least 1 game in the next 4 rounds in order to at least retain his title.

Match Summary

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/world-championship-2016-crosstable.csv”]

Replay Karjakin’s win below: [replay]

Replay all the games of the World Chess Championship 2016.

All 7 Draws in World Chess Championship 2016

That’s how tight the competition has been. We all thought how lopsided the match would be in favor of the World Champion.

That’s not the case at the end of the 7th round in the World Chess Championship 2016 between the World Champion Magnus Carlsen and the Challenger Sergey Karjakin. It has been a draw-fest so far as all of their first 7 games ended in draws.

Here’s the summary of their matches:

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/world-championship-2016-crosstable.csv”]

Replay Game 7 below: [replay]

Replay all the games in the World Championship 2016.

Six Dead Draws to Close the First Half of the World Chess Championship 2016


[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/world-championship-2016-crosstable.csv”]

Question: Where can I replay all the six drawn games of the World Chess Championship 2016?

Answer: Head over to here.

Did you see what I did there? ’nuff said!

Replay Game 6 below: [replay]

5 Draws in World Championship 2016

Almost halfway through the World Chess Championship match of 2016, we have yet to see a decisive game between the World Champion Magnus Carlsen and the Challenger Sergey Karjakin, as they drew their 5th round game after 51 moves. [replay]

Check out the match-up table below:

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/world-championship-2016-crosstable.csv”]

Replay all the games in the World Chess Championship 2016.

Live broadcast of Round 6 will be available here.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

Draw-ful World Championship at the End of Round 3

And they saved a win for another day, as Round 3 of the World Chess Championship 2016 between the World Champion Magnus Carlsen and the Challenger Sergey Karjakin ended in yet another draw. That’s a total of 3 draws in 3 games.

That, after Carlsen lost his winning edge on his 72nd move with 72.Rb7?. Replay the game below: [replay]

You can catch the Round 4 game LIVE here. Remember that you can unlock full access to Worldchess.com’s live multi-camera streaming and commentaries by chess celebrities and grandmasters, among others, by visiting the official site. Use our promo code BISHOPD3 in order to avail of a 10% discount.

Replay all the games: World Chess Championship 2016.