Tal Memorial 2016 Ranking After Round 2


In Round 1, we saw Ian Nepomniachtchi winning against Evgeny Tomashevsky, while in Round 2, Viswanathan Anand won against Shakhriyar Mamedyarov and Anish Giri toppled Boris Gelfand.

Thus, ranking after Round 2 follows:

Isle of Man International Chess Tournament 2016

Update: Check out this page for the latest news about: Chess.com Isle of Man International Chess Tournament 2016.

The Chess.com Isle of Man International Chess Tournament is happening next weekend, from Sat 1st to Sun 9th October 2016. The Masters section is a 138-player 9-round Swiss system of play.

Rate of play (Masters): 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for 20 moves, then 15 minutes for the remaining moves, with 30 seconds added per move from the start.

The top 20 participants in the Masters section follow:

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/isle-of-man-2016.csv”]

Check out the rest of the Masters participants here.

Official website.

Update: Check out this page for the latest news about: Chess.com Isle of Man International Chess Tournament 2016.

Tal Memorial 2016

Another strong tournament is happening beginning this weekend. It is still strong, with an average rating of 2760, despite the absence of the World Champion, Magnus Carlsen, and the Americans (you know who).

See line up in the press release below:


The Rapports

Chess24 had a great interview with the Rapport couple. Richard Rapport (ELO 2752) played Board 1 for Hungary Open team, while his wife Jovana is a WGM (ELO 2318) and also played Board 1 for Serbia Women’s team, in Baku 2016 Chess Olympiad.

I think they’re a great chess couple:

The Rapports. Photo by: Camilla Jovard

The Rapports. Photo by: Camilla Jovard

And I wonder what Mr. Sinquefield has to say about bringing the Rapports to the U.S.?

Eugene Torre and Philippine Chess


Ignacio Dee on Rappler:

Then he tightens the screws: a mating attack or an endgame. It makes no difference. In Baku, he was playing like he was in his 20s, with energy and not taking any breaks.

It is no wonder that many Filipinos who used to love chess passionately until their careers demanded their attention would comment joyfully, even Torre wins on Facebook.

We can celebrate the outstanding performance of GM Eugene Torre in Baku 2016 Chess Olympiad all we want, but let’s not overlook the fact that when a 64-year-old Torre leads the Philippine team in the Chess Olympiad is reminiscent of the sorry state of Philippine Chess.

Baku 2016 42nd Chess Olympiad Winners

After 40 years of gold medal drought, the United States was finally able to bag home one in this year’s 42nd Chess Olympiad (Open Section) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Winners of Baku 2016 Chess Olympiad (Open)

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/winners-42nd-chess-olympiad-open.csv”]

Baku 2016 Chess Olympiad Board Prizes Winners

[section_title title=”Board Prizes Winners – Open”]

At the conclusion of Baku 2016 Chess Olympiad, here are the Board Prizes winners for the Open Section. Board Prizes are awarded to top players in each board in terms of rating performance, not winning percentage nor game points.

Replay all the games of Baku 2016 Chess Olympiad (Open).

42nd Chess Olympiad Board Prizes Winners – Open


Board 1 Winners – Open

[csvtable file=”http://chesshive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/board-1-open-winners.csv”]